Custom Photo-Digital Artwork Made for You By Baltimore-Based Artist Robert McClintock —

Please visit our ART FAQ page for details regarding our turnaround time and framing options.





Com­mis­sion works are CUSTOM ONE OF A KIND ORIGINAL WORKS OF ART which are made exclu­sively for you and not added to nor sold as part of my collection.

Orig­i­nal com­mis­sioned works cur­rently start at $2200.00.*

This fee includes the com­plete cre­ation of an orig­i­nal Robert McClin­tock work of art. We set up a time and place for a one hour photo ses­sion of the sub­ject (within the Greater Bal­ti­more Metro Region). I do an ini­tial edit of the photo shoot and I pick what I like as the best images, usu­ally 5 to 10 choices. Then together we pick the best one from which I’ll cre­ate the orig­i­nal painting.

I use my website for pre­view­ing and approvals, which is great because it keeps you involved in the process and you see exactly what I’m doing.

The final art work is a one of a kind 24x32” acrylic embell­ished can­vas. There is a smaller size avail­able at 18x24”, but the com­mis­sion fee remains the same for both sizes. Larger sizes are avail­able up to 40x60” for an addi­tional cost.

As men­tioned above, only one 24x32” is made in this size and is con­sid­ered the “exclu­sive orig­i­nal”.  In addi­tion, I include two 5x7” and three 3¾x5” signed paper giclée prints of the fin­ished art. Addi­tional signed prints are also avail­able for $12.00 and up, at retail cost.

NOTE: On rare occa­sions I will work with an exist­ing photo which you pro­vide, but I have to say I don’t work from just “any” photo. It totally depends on the sub­ject, the qual­ity, the com­po­si­tion and, in some cases, copy­right. Basi­cally it has to be a pic­ture that I feel I can work with, which lends itself to my dis­tinct style and aes­thetic. In other words I pre­fer to use my photos.

Turn­around time, start to fin­ish, is gen­er­ally one month.

Please call us at (410) 814‑2800 or stop by the stu­dio to dis­cuss details.
Or drop me an email:

Lastly before I begin the project I require a 50% deposit with bal­ance due on completion. Cash, Checks, VISA/MC accepted.

* Pric­ing and fees sub­ject to change with­out notice. Fee is for indi­vid­ual per­sonal, non-commercial use. Please call to dis­cuss com­mer­cial uses.