Polaroid Roots
Polaroid Roots
SX-70 Polaroid Sonar
In 1978 while living in Denver I needed a camera and so I bought my first SX-70 Polaroid Sonar at Gart Brothers Sporting Goods. I quickly became entranced by the instant gratification and started experimenting with manipulating the images as they developed.
Over the years I began hand coloring and painting on the images using permanent marker pens as well as shooting in the studio with it. I shot thousands of images. SX-70 Polaroid art was really my only fine art medium for a good 20 years until about 1998.
I had some commercial and gallery success in some shows and with my work being accepted into the International Polaroid Collection, which resulted in a touring show called “American Perspectives” and included the likes of Andy Warhol, David Hockney, Chuck Close, and Joyce Tenneson. But eventually I became tired of it the SX70 as I felt it was somewhat limited and I noticed a lot of the newcomers to medium were creating work which looked too much alike for my taste. Not to mention the fact that film was expensive and eventually disappeared (the 600 film just ain’t the same!).
So I turned to photo digital art combining my skills as a photographer and artist resulting in my new works which I find more enticing and more fun than ever, and allowed much more creative control and options.
People look at my new digital work and ask if it is “Polaroid Art”. This is very gratifying to me and makes me smile because Polaroid is in my roots and I’m happy that people really see the connection.
Today almost 25 years later people are re-discovering Polaroid SX70as if it is a “new” medium. Some things just never die!